Process Simulation – ASPEN HYSYS

Process industries have undergone significant transformation in the last few decades and with this, a shift toward process simulation.

Simulation software such as ASPEN HYSYS and EDR are excellent tools for process modelling from conceptual design through to detailed analysis.

Packages like HYSYS can provide a powerful platform for calculating mass and energy balance, heat transfer, line sizing, relief design, equipment design, and control.

Beyond this, these tools can also provide:

✅ Prediction and optimisation of production throughout the plant lifecycle

✅ Design for steady-state and dynamic plant analysis

✅ Comprehensive testing of different scenarios which can provide operators opportunities to assess the impact of operational changes

✅ Sensitivity and pinch analysis with multiple parameters to realise cost and efficiency benefits

✅ Cost reduction and debottlenecking by identifying effective modifications in plant design and operating procedures to maximise output

Our expert engineers have a comprehensive understanding of these tools and work with our clients to make smart, considered, design decisions.

If you would like to hear how HYSYS can support your operations, contact Owen Llanwarne or Iñigo Matas to discuss your challenges.

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