Pricing & Cost Estimates for Different Stages of Projects

The 💲price is right

We often get contacted by clients who are looking to obtain cost estimates for a given scope of work.

Our engineers have led several conceptual, feasibility and Front End Engineering Design studies to identify risks and opportunities.

We apply norms based on reference cost data or use more refined cost breakdown models. We help to identify effective cost models depending on the type of project, complexity and phase of the project.

Every cost estimate is the prediction of the expected final cost and different cost estimating techniques give different range of accuracy.

Here are some of the key factors considered for choosing the right cost estimating technique for your project:

⚙️Familiarity with technology
⚙️Complexity of the project
⚙️Quality of reference cost estimating data
⚙️Experience and skill level of the team involved in the cost estimate
⚙️Time and level of effort budgeted to prepare the estimate
⚙️Political, geographical and market conditions

We help clients do make business decisions with confidence while fully understanding the risks.

If you would like to discuss a scope and understand how IDEA can help with your project then schedule an appointment with one of our directors Gary McPhillie, Abhishek Bhatia CEng MIMechE, Owen Llanwarne or Iñigo Matas

For more information look at IDEA’s webpage which lists key deliverables and activities involved in every phase of the project.

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