Let’s Talk about ALARP

ALARP – What does it mean for design?

ALARP stands for “As Low As Reasonably Practicable” and getting into this can be a can of worms when it comes to closing out design and HAZOP actions, and applying HAZOP to retrospective designs of plant.

ALARP is defined by the Health and Safety Executive in the UK, and for retrospective assessments essentially tells operators they should be doing everything possible to reduce risk to personnel, as long as it is justified on a cost vs. benefit basis.

We have recently been tasked by some clients with helping them decide whether design improvements to existing plant are required, on a cost vs. benefit basis, in line with these ALARP principles.

To help them decide, we have developed a risk based approach to design changes:

📌By identifying the current risk of hazardous scenarios from HAZOPs we have carried out for our clients, and quantifying them through a LOPA tool we are able to establish the current risk to personnel.

📌The IDEA design team can then apply all our industry knowledge and design expertise to develop options for improvement, and establish CapEx and OpEx costs associated.

📌Using the Cost Benefit Analysis methods outlined by the HSE and other industry guidance, we help the client decide what measures meet the criteria to be implemented, and what is not justified on a Cost Vs. Benefit basis.

📌We are also able to identify to the client what the maximum justifiable spend is, so that if any other ideas can be generated within that value, the client knows they fit within the cost benefit boundaries.

By using all our skills gained across multi discipline design, HAZOP, LOPA and process safety, we are able to help clients make informed decisions which meet HSE criteria to make sure risks to personnel are “As Low As Reasonably Practicable”.

Are your risks ALARP?

Do you need assistance working this out and providing a robust defence for the safety of your design?

IDEA can assist.

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