High Temperature Heat Pumps for Distilleries

As distilleries look to reduce their carbon footprint and identify sustainable solutions for their processes, the role of high-temperature heat pumps is gaining prominence. Their potential to drive energy efficiency, utilising excessive heat and reducing climate gas emissions will help our clients in their journey to Net Zero. For distilleries which need steam and in whisky blending facilities which require hot water between 80-90°C, navigating the right heat pump solution can be challenging. The team at IDEA is helping clients navigate these challenges by carrying out a holistic review of the site, process streams, mass and energy balance, untapped excess heat available from the existing processes, and by considering other technologies which can work in tandem to maximise the efficiency such as Mechanical Vapor Recompression (MVR). Our expertise lies in:

✅ System integration and bespoke solution evaluations

✅ Evaluation of process data, sometimes by putting additional metering and establishing mass and energy balance

✅ Driving energy efficiency through high-temperature heat pumps

✅ Unbiased evaluation and specification of heat pump technologies Example of the industrial high-power Air Sourced Heat Pump (ASHP) process with a thermal storage buffer option for our whisky distillery client’s application specific to their requirements.

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